It does not matter the circumstances, trials, or challenges that might surround us; an understanding of the doctrine of Christ and His Atonement will be the source of our strength and peace—yes, brothers and sisters, that internal tranquility that is born of the Spirit and which the Lord gives to His faithful Saints. He nourishes us, saying: "Peace I leave with you. … Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid" (John14:27).
I was really grateful to hear him quote the scripture that has become my theme in the last couple weeks. Jesus Christ really has been giving me peace. In fact, this morning I woke up with peace and hope and comforting reassurances. He's been blessing me so much. It has been a very challenging time of life, but Jesus Christ and His Atonement have been the source of my strength and peace. =) Friends help, but ultimately my peace comes from Christ.
Here's the whole text of his talk:

Here's the whole text of his talk:

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