Due to the example of
Tori Gollihugh, and also due to my bad attitude and self-pity, I'm going to start counting my blessings.
- I'm grateful for the positive vibes people sent me yesterday, especially Lisa and Robin from Florida. It meant so much!
- I'm grateful that Riley is still my friend, even though I've been complaining about school and life every time he's seen me in the past couple weeks.
- I'm grateful for Wes taking the time to encourage me and talk to me about how I'm handling my different responsibilities. It made me feel valued and important, and helped me smile.
- I'm grateful for the temple. I'm grateful I can feel my Father's presence stronger there than I otherwise normally can.
- I'm grateful it hasn't snowed yet, and has actually been warmer and quite beautiful this week.
- Even though my friends and my sister are getting married, I'm grateful they are marrying good men.
- I'm grateful for my guitar, my viola, my keyboard, my drums, and even my recorder.
- I'm grateful for Jack's Mannequin's song, "Swim," and ever so grateful Letha introduced it to us!
- I'm grateful for the scriptures, and for the words of living prophets. I'm grateful for "the power that I get each time I read." Hopefully if I have a better attitude I'll receive even more comfort and power as I read today.
- I'm grateful to be part of an awesome presidency, and I'm so grateful for Tanya, Aubree, and Gretchen. =)
- I'm grateful I have someone to run with.
- I'm grateful I have a house of boys I can go spend time with if I have stress pouring out my ears, and they can make me laugh.
- I'm grateful that I occasionally get asked out on dates.
- I'm grateful for friends like Richard that always makes room on his motorcycle and gives me a ride when he sees me carrying a bunch of heavy things!
- I'm grateful to serve with a wonderful Bishop.
- I'm grateful for prayer.

1 comment:
LOVE IT!!! ^_^
You're so sweet to thank me for being an example. I'm glad I can be, just hope you follow the best rather than all! ;) I know you're too smart to follow anything but the best!
I encourage you to do a day-by-day TT entry next time. I usually prepare the format prior and then fill it in as the week goes along. I love this because it helps me to remember the weeks and what else may have been going on... since I do not journal as much as I would like (or need to!), this is my journal... and brain stimulator to remember other things. ;) My sister, the oringinator, has done every post (except her most recent) as a day-by-day remembrance of things for which she was grateful. That's why I do it and suggest it... she's just AMAZING and if she does it... probably worth doing. ^_^
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